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Affichage des articles du 2013

A totalitarian Justice: cruel, debased and despicable rape of humanity

   The judiciary in Nigeria  is a colossal failure with a collateral damage to it’s citizens due to recklessness.      Nigerian legal system is a disgrace to Mankind and a tragic national plunder.   As   justice of “cash and carry”, it has informed a paradox in the criminal justice system where the innocent is criminalized the criminal walks free   as long as they are able to pay the price. Within the borders of Nigeria resides one of the most terrifyingly dangerous display of a depraved justice system. From the Roman Empire to the present day it is arguably the most corrupt and the most shameful legal system known to mankind. Obnoxiously arrogant, its proclivities is creating a vicious atmosphere in nation linking up to the morbid corridors of pestilence  and decay. Nigerian legal system has become a metaphor for cynicism and despicable lawful plunder  According to Judaic  teaching  “justice  is the Ultimate ...

L’ Inexplicable explosion de la culture du tatouage .Quel paradoxe!

  On le décrivait autrefois  comme la marque historique de la honte, de la criminalité et de la rébellion, le tatouage est aujourd’hui porté par les puissants,  les célébrités et les élites du temps moderne      Sous un feu d’artifice de couleurs, des objets japonais, des félins , des animaux sous marins  ou encore les fameux dragons  s’animent sur la peau des hommes et des femmes du public  passionné de l’art du tatouage. Les incontournables comme la rose , le cœur transpercé par une flèche ou la croix celtique, les  sujets de tatouage semblent  inépuisables et sont  représentés sur des formes et des styles débordant de créativité. Mais ce qui provoque la stupéfaction aujourd’hui  c’est la tendance démographique et le changement de statut social des amateurs de tatouages. Samantha  Cameron , la femme du premier ministre  Britannique porte un tatouage d’ un bébé dauphin sur la cheville gauche. Les célé...

L’insupportable réalité des Main-d’œuvre à prix cassé : effet de la directive Bolkestein.

Le  déferlement de main d’œuvre bon marché  à travers  le pays  dans  la plupart  des  chantiers  français  a fini de délester  le  BTP de son statut d’activité non- dé localisable. Et c’est certainement  son éloignement  de la réalité quotidienne   dans les chantiers aujourd’hui  qui a incité Cécile  Duflot, Ministre de  logement à  considérer le BTP comme non dé localisable.  Les artisans et les ouvriers font le même constat alarmant d’une situation préoccupante. A savoir  que   l’emploi  que l’on croyait résiliant face à la mondialisation et à la délocalisation subit actuellement une très  forte concurrence déloyale grâce à la présence de main d’œuvre étrangère en très forte proportion sur nos chantiers . . Zbigziew  et son collègue Stanislave partagent  un petit studieux avec deux autres  Polonais  au centre-ville de dijon . Les quatre...

The irresponsible Power or man’s inhumanity to man.

“she was beaten on her face until her teeth were smashed, I have never seen such an example of bestial cruelty” If you have once been chanced to drop down the king Khalid international airport into the city of Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia, you will agree with me that much like Dubai this city is about strikingly one of the most modern city in the world. The tall skyscrapers, beautiful landmarks, world class hotels, fantastic shopping malls appear to be over the top – so  Dashy and Flashy And it makes no doubt in no ones mind that Saudi Arabia is just one of the most enterprising nations of world and a new global force in the modern world. It’s breathtaking communicational technological and transportation infrastructures are convincing evidences of an Economic and political super power in the middle east. Unfortunately this is where the good fortune ends, in fact the clock seem to have stopped on the spheres of savage custom and inhuman traditions that make you want to a...

The tragic realities of latter-day travelers

The tragic realities  of  latter day travelers. One of  the  most  dramatic if not destructive impact  of the Day of infamy popularly called the 9/11 is the  disruption  and transgression of  all that we once held dear and took for granted  in our past experiences  as  travelers,  moving  across borders  through the air or by the sea. The traveler  is subjected  to such traumatic experiences  and beleaguered by series of woes that the simple thought of having to journey across border gets me so terrified and distressed. It is not just that you have to be at the airport 3 or 4 hours before your  departure , then  the longs lines of queues . it is not only the airport security control and the routine humiliations  it is also that no matter how well  you pack your bags and  whatever  you may  carry, if you made the mistake of taking a low cost operator  su...

The tragic realities of latter-day travelers

The tragic realities  of  latter day travelers. One of  the  most  dramatic if not destructive impact  of the Day of infamy popularly called the 9/11 is the  disruption  and transgression of  all that we once held dear and took for granted  in our past experiences  as  travelers,  moving  across borders  through the air or by the sea. The traveler  is subjected  to such traumatic experiences  and beleaguered by series of woes that the simple thought of having to journey across border gets me so terrified and distressed. It is not just that you have to be at the airport 3 or 4 hours before your  departure , then  the longs lines of queues . it is not only the airport security control and the routine humiliations  it is also that no matter how well  you pack your bags and  whatever  you may  carry, if you made the mistake of taking a low cost operator  su...