“she was beaten on her face until
her teeth were smashed, I have never seen such an example of bestial cruelty”
If you have once been chanced to drop
down the king Khalid international airport into the city of Riyadh the capital
of Saudi Arabia, you will agree with me that much like Dubai this city is about
strikingly one of the most modern city in the world. The tall skyscrapers,
beautiful landmarks, world class hotels, fantastic shopping malls appear to be
over the top – so Dashy and Flashy
And it makes no doubt in no ones
mind that Saudi Arabia is just one of the most enterprising nations of world
and a new global force in the modern world. It’s breathtaking communicational
technological and transportation infrastructures are convincing evidences of an
Economic and political super power in the middle east. Unfortunately this is
where the good fortune ends, in fact the clock seem to have stopped on the
spheres of savage custom and inhuman traditions that make you want to ask why
so much authority bestowed upon the
Having said that, Saudi Arabia is
home to the most pervasive prehistoric tradition of Man’s inhumanity to man.
Over the years we are constantly barraged with untold stories of gruesome experiences
of some maid servants and domestic workers in Saudi Arabia who were
systemically abused and subjected to such level of atrocities that breach
humanity. “When an ordinary man holds
power over another without a moral responsibility to that other the result is a
degradation of the spirit and a loss of humanity” said Fredrick Douglass an
American great philosopher.
Cases of abusive relationship
between Saudi Arabian Employer and maid servants are a widespread phenomenon in
the kingdom. It is a culture of sadism. but some are so indignant and outrageous they
could put you off your guard. There was this case of doctors removing massive
loads of nails and needles from a tortured Sri Lankan maid: A 49 year old L P
Ariyawathie from Sri Lanka had a total of 24 red hot nails and needles hammered
into her body in Saudi Arabia where
she worked as domestic maid servant. The family which she served
rammed nails and needles into her body as punishment for complaining of her
tedious jobs “every time I would not work because I was tired , they would
threatened to kill me and hammered
nails into my body” said Ariyawathie
to the news Agency Associated press . Ms Ariyawathie was deeply traumatized
Doctor Satharasinghe told the news
agency Associated Press. In another case
an emirate woman poured boiling water over her Ethiopian maid and tied her up
until she died.
Countless stories, from hapless
women who ventured into this kingdom of darkness to work for no more than $100,
have such graphic portrayal of extreme cruelty and sadism that will make you wonder
where the limit of humanity and bestiality lies.
Why is the Arab world so overrun
with barbaric brutalities and bestial
cruelty even as des profess some kind religious proclivities
This was clearly the case in
relation with the death of kikim Komalasari, a 36 year old woman from Indonesia whose body was found in
a dumpster in the southern city of Abha in Saudi Arabia. The graphic portrayal
of abuse and agony she endured will make your heart jump. When Kikims
Body was found, they allegedly burnt her body with red hot iron ; cut
her face and lips with scissors her neck was severed with extensive cuts and all over her body she had serious burns, she was beaten on her face until her
teeth was smashed. What has made possible this ignoble reality that one man or
woman could have the right to abuse, smash thrash or kill another and never
having to render account for his act ? I have no response to this.
Scores of hapless domestic
workers tortured, many have died, maimed or killed by their employers , lots more are working under very deplorable and
appalling conditions. A Lebanon human right group has reported 9 suicides of
domestic workers in one month. And yet thousands of such case remain in the
Dark according to one Jakarta correspondent. “Everyone knows about these cases
of abuse in Saudi Arabia,”… They happen all the time, but because Indonesia
cannot punish Saudi Arabia, the correspondent said, it’s the reason Saudis
authority continues to ignore the plight of domestic workers in their country.
But what makes the entire issue so heartbreaking is the impunity that ensures
protection for the Saudis rather than the victims of employers’ abuse. In fact employers have right to beat, torture
and even kill with impunity and victim has no protection from the law. And this
is the way of the new world so much power to tyrants without having to offer
apologies . “ In all of us even in good men there is lawless wild beast nature
which peer out when our reasons are asleep” and unless there is a ruling power
to enforce that personal self-restrain
there is no limit to the folly or crime a man in the society will be
ready to commit.
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